Riga 28.10.2011

As a side event to the OurCoast Stakeholder Conference, the last workshop in this series took place on 28 October 2011 in Riga. In addition to Latvian representatives, colleagues from Estonia were also invited. In total, approximately thirty people took part in the workshop. Dörte Ratzmann (BMU) and Grit Martinez (Ecologic Institute) gave the opening remarks before the participants introduced themselves. Despite the long travelling distance, different Representatives from Estonia participated in the workshop. They came from the Association of Estonian Cities, the City of Tallinn, the City of Maardu, the Administration of Kuressaare, the University of Tartu, and the Ministry of the Environment.

Latvia was represented by participants from the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Regional Development (www.varam.gov.lv), various departments of the City of Riga, the City of Liepāja, the City of Rucava, the City of Grobina, the Baltic Environment Forum, and the University of Riga.

After a presentation from Franziska Stuke (Ecologic Institute) about the difficulties faced when developing regional adaptation strategies, Susanne Altvater took over the following discussion. Already implemented adaptation measures such as the planned flood protection facilities in Riga, warning systems for natural disasters, or modeling systems for wave and wind patterns were mentioned by the participants. However, it was also noted that adaptation measures have sometimes been implemented without explicitly being called adaptation measures. Coastal erosion was recognized as a big problem for the Latvian coast.

Next, the participants discussed what exactly would be necessary to deal with the topic of adaptation. The answers can generally be put into four categories:

  • Information: Understandable information is necessary and reasonable pathways for the dissemination of this information are necessary. City planners noted that the provision of climate information carries with it a certain level of responsibility, should this information be used to make decisions. Scientists have been criticized as unwilling to accept this responsibility because they seem to constantly emphasize the uncertainty of climate knowledge. Scientists, on the other hand, said that Latvia doesn’t have sufficient institutions to transfer the knowledge. The scientists are obligated to take on this responsibility without getting financial or human resources to help with it. Representatives from the City of Riga noted that there is a lot of information available about climate change and that filtering through this data can be a tough and time-consuming task. That led to a discussion of the different types of information and how different actors require different types. It was agreed that the provision of information about climate change should be tailored to the needs of specific target groups.
  • Climate Data: Better monitoring programs are necessary to document climate change. Many monitoring programs were cut back due to the financial crisis.
  • Financing: General financing is necessary for adaptation measures. Adaptation investments are however not given a high priority. The financial crisis was also mentioned because many adaptation measures could not be taken up due to a lack of funds. International support possibilities and more help from the EU are wished.
  • Integration: Adaptation measures should not be understood as their own insular topic but rather as an interdisciplinary issue that should be integrated into other policy fields. Coastal protection and tourism should be considered together, for example.

With the help of a case study from the region of Salacgriva, continual political support was identified as a key factor for the success of innovative adaptation measures and the ability to engage in long-term adaptation projects.
The fact that those potentially affected by climate change impacts generally do not plan 100 years into the future was recognized as an obstacle to instituting future adaptation measures. In addition, the trust of the general public in climate scientists’ scenarios and projections is not especially high.

To summarize, four major information gaps were identified in the discussion:

  1. Information gaps at the local level
  2. Information gaps at the societal level regarding climate change
  3. Information gaps about possible adaptation measures
  4. Information gaps at the government level regarding the responsibility for adaptation measures

Mr. Lehners, from Lübeck, then reported about the engagement of local interest groups in the planning and implementation of coastal protection measures in the Timmendorfer Strand. Andris Urtans (Nature Conservation Agency,  Latvia) reported on the implementation of climate change adaptation measures in the Salacgriva municipality. He spoke specifically about the inclusion of the local populace in the implementation of adaptation measures and how this can result in a higher level of perceived legitimacy for the measures.

Lana Saksone then carried out the “ad hoc” survey in the following portion of the event. Due to the low number of participants, the results are not to be taken as representative and were therefore also not evaluated in a detailed way, but they can give an indication of possible discussion points. For example, all of those surveyed are unanimous in their concern about future sea level rise. Likewise, the participants recognized the danger posed by increasing storm events while at the same time welcoming the possibility of increased sunshine.

Stuke - BALTADAPT Overview of existing (regional) adaptation strategies and action plans

Lehners - Engagement of local stakeholders – experiences from Timmendorf Beach Baltic Sea, Germany

Urtans - Implementation of CC adaptation Measures in Salacgriva Municipality

Bray - Climate Science in the Baltic Coastal Region: Quality Assessment and Communication

Martinez - Survey amongst political decision makers on the perception of climate change and adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region




Estonian version

English version

“Piekrastes teritoriju amatpersonu informētība par klimata pārmaiņām Baltijas jūras austrumu daļā”

Vācijas vides, dabas aizsardzības un kodoldrošības ministrijas, kā arī Latvijas Universitātes vārdā vēlamies Jūs ielūgt uz semināru “Piekrastes teritoriju amatpersonu informētība par klimata pārmaiņām Baltijas jūras austrumu daļā”, kas notiks Rīgā, 28.oktobrī.
Baltijas jūras piekrastes iedzīvotājiem aizvien biežāk nākas saskarties ar klimata pārmaiņu radītiem izaicinājumiem. Jūras līmeņa celšanās, biežāki ekstrēmi laika apstākļi, kā arī izmaiņas piekrastes un jūras bioloģiskajā daudzveidībā ir tikai daži no jautājumiem, kas piekrastes institūciju amatpersonām ir jārisina.
Seminārs piedāvā vienreizēju iespēju uzzināt par klimata pārmaiņu izaicinājumiem un iespējām Latvijas un Igaunijas piekrastes zonās. To organizēs Ekoloģijas institūts no Berlīnes kopā par Helmholca centru Gēsthahtā, seminārs notiks konferences „OURCOAST Stakeholder Conference“ ietvaros (http://www.ourcoastconferenceriga.eu ), kas notiks Rīgā 27. un 28.oktobrī. Mēs priecāsimies, ja radīsiet iespēju piedalīties arī konferencē.
Seminārs būs iespēja satikties vietējām amatpersonām no Latvijas un Igaunijas ar ārvalstu zinātniekiem, lai diskutētu par pielāgošanos klimata pārmaiņām Baltijas jūras reģionā. Semināra mērķis ir nodrošināt Jūs ar praktisku informāciju par to, kā pielāgoties klimata pārmaiņām, kā arī to, kā sagatavoties klimata pārmaiņu ieteikmei Jūsu dzīvesvietā.
Mēs ļoti priecātos Jūs redzēt seminārā, tādēļ lūdzam rezervēt datumu šim pasākumam. Jūsu ceļa izdevumus mēs nosegsim. Tuvāko nedēļu laikā izsūtīsim Jums oficiālu ielūguma vēstuli un detalizētu semināra programmu.


Grita Martineza, Ekoloģijas institūts
RADOST un Circum Mare Balticum projektu direktore

Dorta Racmane, Vācijas vides, dabas aizsardzības un kodoldrošības ministrijas
BALTADAPT projekta vadītāja 

Pasākuma programma ir pieejama šeit

Lūdzu aizpildiet reģistrācijas anketu

Norises vieta
Seminārs notiks

Kr. Barona St 12 / LV-1050 Riga

Norādes uz notikuma vietu var atrast kartē


Seminar “Kliimaalane teave Läänemere idapoolsete piirkondade rannikualade osapooltele” (Climate knowledge for regional coastal stakeholders in the eastern Baltic Sea region),  Riia, 28. oktoober 2011.

Läti Ülikooli ja Saksamaa keskkonna-, looduskaitse ja tuumaohutusministeeriumi nimel on meil au kutsuda Teid osalema seminaril “Kliimaalane teave Läänemere idapoolsete piirkondade rannikualade osapooltele”, mis toimub 28. oktoobril 2011 Riias.
Läänemere piirkonna kogukonnad seisavad vastakuti suurenevate kliimamuutustest tingitud väljakutsetega. Merevee taseme tõus, äärmuslike ilmastikunähtuste sagenemine ning ranniku- ja merelise loodusliku mitmekesisuse muutumine on vaid mõned mitmetest mõjudest, millega rannikupiirkonnad peavad kokku puutuma.
Seminar pakub võimalust arutleda kliimamuutustega kohanemise väljakutsete ja võimaluste üle Eesti ja Läti rannikupiirkondades.  Kohtumise  korraldavad Ecologic Instituut (Berliin) ja Helmholtz keskus OURCOAST osapoolte konverentsi  (toimub 27.-28. oktoobril Riias) (http://www.ourcoastconferenceriga.eu/) raames toimuva üritusena. Me soovitame Teil osaleda ka OURCOAST konverentsil.
Seminar toob kokku kohaliku tasandi otsustajad Eestist ja Lätist, et arutleda koos rahvusvaheliste ekspertidega kliimamuutustega kohanemise võtmeküsimuste üle Läänemere piirkonnas.  Seminari eesmärgiks on pakkuda paremat infot kohanemisega seotud ülevaate saamiseks ja samuti  kasulikku infot kohanemismeetmete elluviimiseks kohalikul tasandil.
Meil oleks hea meel kohtuda Teiega mainitud seminaril ning palume Teil aegsasti reserveerida 28. oktoober oma kalendris. Teie reisikulud kaetakse. Ametlik kutse ja detailsem info saadetakse Teile paari järgneva nädala jooksul.

Dr. Grit Martinez, Ecologic Institute Berlin
RADOST and Circum Mare Balticum projekt

Dörte Ratzmann, Saksamaa keskkonna-, looduskaitse ja tuumaohutusministeerium
BALTADAPT projekt  

Siit saate allalaadida ürituse programmi

Seminarile registreerumiseks täitke palun registreerumisvorm

Seminari toimumiskoht
Seminar toimub:
Kr. Barona St 12 / LV-1050 Riga

Seminari asukoha nägemiseks vajutage palun siia.


Workshop on “Climate knowledge for regional coastal stakeholders in the eastern Baltic Sea region", 28 October 2011, Riga

On behalf of the University of Latvia and the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Berlin), we have the honour to invite you to our Workshop on “Climate knowledge for regional coastal stakeholders in the eastern Baltic Sea region", which will take place on 28 October in Riga.
Communities on the Baltic Sea face increasing challenges due to global climate change. Sea level rise, increasingly extreme weather events, and changing patterns of coastal and marine biodiversity are just a few of the many impacts that stakeholder in coastal communities must face.
The workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the specific challenges and opportunities for climate change adaptation on the Latvian and Estonian coast. The event will be co-convened by Ecologic Institute (Berlin) and Helmholtz Center Geesthacht and is a Side-Event of the OURCOAST Stakeholder Conference (http://www.ourcoastconferenceriga.eu/), which will be held on October 27 and 28 in Riga. We encourage you to also take part in this very interesting event.
This workshop will bring local political decision makers from Latvia and Estonia and international experts to discuss key questions about adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region. The workshop is intended to provide you with useful information on the implementation of adaptation measures and also how to prepare as a decision maker to climate change within your community.
We would be very pleased to welcome you at this event so please safe the date for your participation on 28 October in Riga. Your travel expenses will be covered. We will provide you with an official invitation and more detailed information about this event within the next two weeks.
Kind regards,

Dr. Grit Martinez, Ecologic Institute Berlin
RADOST and Circum Mare Balticum Project

Dörte  Ratzmann, Federal Ministry for the Environment,  Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
BALTADAPT project   

You can download here the programme of the event

To register for the event, please fill the registration form

Workshop Location
The Workshop event will take place at :

Kr. Barona St 12 / LV-1050 Riga
Please, click here to locate the event venue.