Klaipeda 27.10.2011

Gintautas Stankunavicius (University of Vilnius) and Gritz Martinez (Ecologoc Institute) opened this workshop on the Lithuanian coast. After Franziska Stuke’s opening speech, the participants in the workshop introduced themselves briefly. The most-cited reason for attending the workshop was interest in learning more about climate change.
Participants came from various institutions, including the Directorate of the Kursiu Nerija National Park (Kuršių nerijos nacionalinio parko direkcija) the public environmental protection agency AAA (Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra), the community of Neringa, the Universities of Vilnius and Klaipėda, and an ecologically oriented business, “COWI Lietuva” that is charged with creating a national adaptation strategy for Lithuana.
After the round of introductions, an “ad hoc” survey was given to the participants with questions relating to climate change.  With the aid of new technology, the results could be immediately visualized and thus discussed. None of the participants described themselves as a decision maker, and the environmental aspects were given higher priority than economic or social issues.

The informational portion of the event included presentations from Gintautas Stankunavicius and Justas Kazys from the University of Vilnius about climate change in Lithuania as well as results from the BaltCICA project for adaptation measures in the Smeltale river basin. Lana Saksone from the Latvian Academy of Science presented various options for financing adaptation measures, and Christoph Lehners from Lübeck also shared experiences with coastal protection measures from the Timmendorfer Strand. The development of these protection measures required a huge amount of planning and financial support in order to find a compromise between coastal protection and tourism interests. After the presentations, the group asked whether these coastal protection measures required an unrepresentative amount of effort because they were only necessary due to the amount of construction so close to the coast.

It was noted during the discussion that, although effects of climate change were already recognizable on the Lithuanian coast (for example, erosion in Palanger), no adaptation measures had been instituted. One possible reason for this is the relatively low population density along Lithuania’s coast, which makes coastal protection measures not so important. The relatively lack of rapid coastal development makes coastal protection measures against climate change rather unimportant.

According to the participants’ views, communities along the coast have shown very little interest in adopting adaptation measures. In the future, it will be important to provide information simply and understandably in order to facilitate knowledge transfer. Information campaigns in various coastal areas were noted as a possible way to accomplish this.

Stuke - BALTADAPT Overview of existing (regional) adaptation strategies and action plans

Bray - Climate Science in the Baltic Coastal Region: Quality Assessment and Communication

Martinez - Survey amongst political decision makers on the perception of climate change and adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region

Gintautas Stankūnavičius - Climate change and potential effect in the Lithuanian coastal area

Lehners - Engagement of local stakeholders – experiences from Timmendorf Beach Baltic Sea, Germany

Kazys - Climate change adaptation measures implementation in Smeltalė River basin

Saksone - Fundraising for adaptation to climate change



English version

Kvietimas į seminarą "Žinios apie klimato kaitą suinteresuotų grupių atstovams rytiniame Baltijos jūros pakrančių regione", 2011 m. spalio 27 d., Klaipėdoje

Vilniaus universiteto ir Vokietijos Federalinės Aplinkos, Gamtos Apsaugos ir Reaktorių Saugumo Ministerijos (Berlyne) vardu, norime Jus pakviesti į mūsų seminarą "Žinios apie klimato kaitą suinteresuotų grupių atstovams rytiniame Baltijos jūros pakrančių regione", kuris įvyks spalio 27 d. Klaipėdos universitete.

Baltijos jūros pakrančių bendruomenės susiduria su didėjančiomis pasaulio klimato kaitos keliamomis problemomis. Pakilęs jūros lygis, vis labiau ekstremalūs meteorologiniai reiškiniai, bei besikeičianti jūrų ir pakrančių biologinė įvairovė yra tik keli pavyzdžiai iš daugelio poveikių, su kuriais susiduria suinteresuotų grupių atstovai pakrančių bendruomenėse.

Šis seminaras suteikia unikalią galimybę ištirti konkrečius prisitaikymo prie klimato kaitos iššūkius ir galimybes Lietuvos pakrantėse. Renginys bus organizuojamas bendrai Ecologic Instituto Berlyne (Vokietijoje) ir Helmholtz Centro Geesthacht (Vokietijoje).

Šis seminaras suburs vietos politinius sprendimus priimančius asmenis ir tarptautinius ekspertus tikslu aptarti pagrindinius klausimus apie prisitaikymą prie klimato kaitos Baltijos jūros regione. Šis seminaras yra skirtas suteikti Jums naudingos informacijos apie prisitaikymo priemonių įgyvendinimą, bei kaip pasirengti, kaip politinių sprendimų priėmėjui, klimato kaitai savo bendruomenėje.

Mums būtų labai malonu pasveikinti Jus šiame renginyje, todėl prašome pasižymėti šį seminarą Klaipėdoje spalio 27 d. kalendoriuje. Jūsų kelionės išlaidos bus padengtos. Mes Jums atsiųsime oficialų kvietimą, kuriame suteiksime detalesnę informaciją apie šį renginį per artimiausias dvi savaites.


Dr. Grit Martinez, Ecologic Institutas Berlyne
RADOST and Circum Mare Balticum projektas

Dörte Ratzmann, Vokietijos Federalinė Aplinkos, Gamtos Apsaugos ir Reaktorių Saugumo Ministerija,
BALTADAPT projektas

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Jūs galite atsisiųsti seminaro programą [87 KB]
Išsamesnę informaciją apie šio seminaro organizatorius ir jų vykdomus projektus rasite sekdami šias nuorodas:
Seminaro vieta

Seminaras vyks adresu:
Klaipėdos universitetas, Gamtos ir matematikos mokslų fakultetas
H. Manto g. 84, LT-92294 Klaipėda
Susitikimo vietą rasite sekdami šią nuorodą


Workshop on “Climate knowledge for regional coastal stakeholders in the eastern Baltic Sea region", 27 October 2011, Klaipeda

On behalf of the University of Vilnius and the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Berlin),  we have the honour to invite you to our Workshop on “Climate knowledge for regional coastal stakeholders in the eastern Baltic Sea region", which will take place on 27 October at the University of Klaipeda.
Communities on the Baltic Sea face increasing challenges due to global climate change. Sea level rise, increasingly extreme weather events, and changing patterns of coastal and marine biodiversity are just a few of the many impacts that stakeholder in coastal communities must face.
The workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the specific challenges and opportunities for climate change adaptation at the Polish coast. The event will be co-convened by Ecologic Institute (Berlin, Germany) and Helmholtz Center Geesthacht (Germany).
This workshop will bring local political decision makers and international experts to discuss key questions about adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region. The workshop is intended to provide you with useful information on the implementation of adaptation measures and also how to prepare as a decision maker to climate change within your community.
We would be very pleased to welcome you at this event so please save the date for your participation on 27 October in Klaipeda. Your travel expenses will be covered. We will provide you with an official invitation and more detailed information about this event within the next two weeks.
Kind regards,

Dr. Grit Martinez, Ecologic Institute Berlin
RADOST and Circum Mare Balticum Project

Dörte  Ratzmann, Federal Ministry for the Environment,  Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
BALTADAPT project   

You can download here the programme of the event [87 KB]

To register for the event, please fill the registration form

Workshop Location
The Workshop event will take place at :
Please, click here to locate the event venue.